...and now what?

2004-03-26 - 12:47 a.m.

Sorry to be cryptic, no time to be clear

Sometimes there just isn't time to write... before the memory of last weekend fades, I just have to say, last Thursday was one of the nicest evenings I have ever had, and if you catch me looking suddenly over my left shoulder, then smiling and waving, I'm just reliving.

Everyone is right. He is a prince.

And now onward... tomorrow morning I leave on one of my rare non-rock-show-related trips. My best friend is getting married on Monday! It occurs to me that we made no plans on what I'm supposed to do when I get there. I hope I can find a phone number where I can reach her... otherwise I guess I could just show up at the home of her future inlaws at a random time and see how many people recognize me.

I'll find her... don't worry.

Three hour layover tomorrow... oy. If I forget my book I think I'll just smack myself.

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the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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