...and now what?

2004-04-20 - 7:47 p.m.

rambling about rambling

Urg... I'm planning an alternate trip for the one that fell through, and I haven't bought my plane ticket yet, and air fare went up $20 today... so do I buy it in fear that it will go up more, or wait in hopes it will go back down? Dang airlines. I really need to get to work on that teleportation system already.

Do you know the joke about what if airlines sold paint? It's so true it's not funny. It's like the conversation from "Sleepless In Seattle" where Jonah asks his friend, "Do you know how much it costs to fly to New York City?" And she says, "NO one knows. It changes almost every day."

And see, now, this makes me want to take a look at that other schedule, which I kinda liked better, but which was a little more expensive... because even though it's the same price it was yesterday, comparatively now it's not that much more expensive than the other one...

And you know what? I LOVE this. Nancy was right when she said this is my life's work. Problem is I couldn't actually do it for a living, because no one is going to pay me to spend eight hours pondering one trip, when I don't end up saving them money or anything. And I have to be careful not to ponder past midnight, or all the fares I'm pondering may suddenly turn into pumpkins!

Funny thing is, the fare that I'm looking at now isn't too much lower than the fare for the trip that fell through. The fare that when I saw it, I said omg - no way can I afford to spend that. Well, another factor there was that my husband was thinking of going, so it would have been double. And it would have been trying to fit in seeing Yellowstone national park in one day - which really isn't enough. So it wasn't worth it. Especially not once you add in a traveling companion who hates airlines and hates being rushed. I was going to put him on three airplanes in one day, with a 2 hour drive in each direction to get to and from the airport, to spend almost no time in his actual destination? Was I looking for new and different ways to create buzzkill? No thanks... I'll travel with him when we can go at his pace.

This trip though, totally different destination, and just me, so I can stress myself out scheduling myself down to the minute to my heart's content, and even though I'll only have a half day to sightsee, all I really want to see is one church and one museum. I should be able to do that and still have a little while to wander around the tourist-trapperia section of the city surrounding the museum.

And I don't mind a bit getting home from a two-day trip at 1am and having to drive home from the airport from there and go to work the next day. What makes me nervous is the thought of something going wrong with the schedule, getting stranded somewhere in America overnight, not making it home until the next day and missing another day of work on top of the two taken off for the trip... since I don't get any paid time off. Then again... it happened once. And I lived.

So what wins out - budget? Sightseeing time? Padding time in the schedule for possible airline nonsense?

Isn't the suspense just killing you? I know I can't wait to find out.

And yeah. I do have more important things to worry about. They're just not the least bit amusing to put into writing.

Oh yeah - the paint joke. Here's one of many places you can find it: www.tech-sol.net/humor/people83.htm

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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