...and now what?

2004-09-17 - 12:13 a.m.

point counterpoint

Oh wow, it's my old long lost recurring theme - good news and bad news!

Good news - my inlaws aren't here tonight like they originally said they would be.

Bad news - they're still coming tomorrow and will most likely still be here Sunday when I get back from my trip. No one knows for sure because they never decide too far in advance when they're leaving. Just one more reason they are perpetual stress inducing machines.

Good news - I totally dodged the bullet today regarding that trap I'd set for myself. It takes so little to impress people.

Bad news - That's soooooooooooo bad for me in a cosmic way. I get away with far too much shit for my own good.

Good news - I went back to the doctor today even though I *really* did not want to spend even more time away from work this week. This hourly, no paid time off thing sucks sometimes. Oops, this is supposed to be the good news part. Anyway, discussed the xrays and lab tests whose results I got last week in more detail. Lots of bad, nasty things I don't have, and my blood pressure is down - it was up last time but probably from the mega-doses of Sudafed. Who knew.

Bad news - Still OW. Not big nasty I-can't-even-walk OW like a couple weeks ago, but still fairly constant, really annoying and definitely unpleasant actual OW. So he did a couple things and decided that the most likely diagnosis is... drum roll... osteoarthritis! So I get to start trying NSAIDs - OTCs at first. Woopee.

Good news - The *actual* cure for that pain seems to be adrenaline. This past weekend I went to 2 concerts in a row, and of course they involved standing and dancing during the whole show, for stretches of about 2 hours straight. At one point I actually took a moment to focus on my foot and see if it hurt... nope. Not a speck. Honey, I *need* to go to that show in Utah - my foot is killing me!

Bad news - Getting that adrenaline rush is so much more expensive than a bottle of Motrin.

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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Recent ramblings:
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