...and now what?

2004-10-25 - 7:35 p.m.

word of the day - grouse

Last night my husband walked into the living room while I was watching the baseball game and groused, "Baseball again? I thought it was over!" I explained - again - that the Red Sox/Yankees series was over, but this was now the World Series. He gets it. He just likes to grouse. If you want to maintain your black belt in grousing, I guess you have to practice sometime.

So I said to him, don't worry, tomorrow is a travel day, so there's no game.. Then Tuesday night I won't be here, so you can watch whatever you want. The eyebrows went up. Why won't you be here? I'll be at a concert. Where? Umm... Florida. Full eye roll. I didn't even try the "I told you about this, don't you remember?" because that wasn't going to fly this time. However, if he was upset, I was ready with the "I didn't tell you more in advance because I knew you'd just forget" which would have worked, being true and all.

I have an alert set up on my cell phone so I'll get the score of the game Tuesday night when it's done. I doubt I'll be thinking about it, since I'll probably be in my adrenaline haze, but when I turn the phone back on after the show and that beep comes in, I'll be all nervous to look. May it be better news than the last post-show score I got last Saturday, when I was at another show while the Red Sox were losing game 3 with a horrific 19-8 score. I thought I might be wondering how that game was going during the show, but I didn't even think of it until the text message came in. So... we shall see!

Haven't told my husband yet that I'll also be gone Friday and Saturday... oh well. He'd just forget.

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