...and now what?

2005-03-03 - 11:18 p.m.

surfacing briefly

Augh, I've barely written in a whole month and what an event-ridden month too... although you didn't miss any travel stories. I personally believe that it's the lack of travel that is partially responsible for me being sick. Adrenaline deficiency.

I just either haven't felt well enough to write or haven't had time or both... I hope I'll be able to catch up soon. You've missed the stupid-o-rama that was my last two weeks at the old job, the thrilling adventure of illness, and the adjustment so far of being at a new job.

However I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing that I went back to the lab again six days after that last entry so they could get more of everything from me for more tests, and I arrived ready to pee this time. Dammit. All the pee they could want.

Also for your illumination, I don't have mono, Epstein-Barr, Hepatitis A B or C, high cholesterol, and a bunch more things I can't remember once I found out I didn't have them. Which means my directions are to "let this run its course."


Just for fun: Two things you don't necessarily want to hear from the lab tech who is drawing your blood:
#2: Wow, did you hear the sound your blood just made?

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