...and now what?

2005-03-12 - 2:28 p.m.

did I mention procrastination?

The ABC quiz... kinda cool. Stolen from Clarity25.

A -- Accent: slightly southern, I'm told, although people can't quite pinpoint why they think that . However to people with a real southern accent, I have none at all.

B -- Breast size: that's one of those things you don't really need to know. Or two of those things.

C -- Chore you hate: mopping the floors

D -- Dad's name: Harry

E -- Essential make-up item: lip gloss

F -- Favorite perfume: Rain Scent, though I never wear perfume

G -- Gold or silver: either

H -- Hometown: kind of messes with the anonymity thing doesn't it? It's in Virginia.

I -- Insomnia: quite often

J -- Job title: Production Coordinator. I'm not sure how it has any relevance to what I actually do but it sounds nice.

K -- Kids: none

L -- Living arrangements: in a house

M -- Mum's birthplace: also in Virginia

N -- Number of apples you've eaten: ?? more specific parameters, please.

O -- Overnight hospital stays: none, knock on wood.

P -- Phobia: I have a fear of ice and of mud, but they're both really a fear of falling and breaking myself into pieces.

R -- Religious affiliation: Baptist

S -- Siblings: 1 sister

T -- Time you wake up: Wake up? 6:30. Get up? 6:45 or so.

U -- Unnatural hair colors you've worn: nothing really unnatural, I'm too much of a coward. One day perhaps I'll go for the electric blue, pink or purple I really want.

V -- Vegetable you refuse to eat: refuse is a strong word - I don't like cabbage or turnips.

W -- Worst habits: procrastinating

X -- X-rays you've had: lots of dental stuff, both feet various times, and one shoulder

Y -- Yummy foods you make: lasagna, chicken casserole

Z -- Zodiac sign: Scorpio

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the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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