...and now what?

2005-05-11 - 1:07 a.m.

but I'm not going to, as far as I know

from a dream last night... well actually this is the entire dream. But it seems like there should have been more...

I'm sitting at a table talking with someone over a cup of coffee. To myself in the dream, it's a comfortable conversation with someone I know. But as my dreaming self, I never saw the face and didn't recognize the voice.

The dream picks up mid-conversation.

Him: "Do you even know any German?"

Me: "Not really. I know a few words."

Him: "Which words?"

Me: "Well, I know yes... and no... and please... and fast."

Thoughtful pause.

Him: "You could have sex in Germany then."

Me, laughing: "Yeah, I guess so."

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