...and now what?

2005-06-28 - 9:44 p.m.

notes from past lives

P.S. from yesterday... when I got in the car this morning and turned on the radio (well okay, the engine, since the radio comes on automatically when you never turn it off), what was on? Rock and Roll All Nite. And it was even the live version, the one that has the guitar solo.

So today after work I went to do a little consulting work... haven't done that in ages. The one steady customer I used to have when I was trying to do this stuff for a living contacted me several weeks ago and asked if I could come in and help with the year end database cleanup. Since I now have a full time job, I said it would have to be an evening or a weekend, and they were cool with that. So I went in tonight having no idea how long I'd be there. The woman who now is in charge of the database said, okay, I need to do this and this and this. And I said okay, here, here, here. She was all, wow, that's it? Gee, I thought it would be so complicated! And she told me she'd pay me for a full hour even though it took about 25 minutes. Made me feel pretty good though - it means I built the thing right the first time. It shouldn't be a big deal to get ready for the new year - maybe a field here and there, maybe a new query. But you should be able to just keep going... and that's what they're doing.

However, good example of why it didn't turn out to be a viable way to make a living...

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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