...and now what?

2004-03-04 - 7:48 p.m.

Hair of the dog would be good right about now

Is there such a thing as an adrenaline hangover? If there is, man, I have one. I just did a search, and there are a fair number of references to the phenomenon, so if there isn't really such a thing, a bunch of people think there is. Most of the references come from blogs and journals (imagine that) and not medical texts though, so it may just be all us thrillfreaks out there making up the whole idea.

But man. See the problem is, I come back from one of these things and try to pretend I can live like that all the time. It's a real shame I can't eat that little all the time, but my appetite is coming back to normal again. It's also a real shame I can't sleep that little all the time. Not needing to sleep is one my favorite side effects of the adrenaline flood. I've thought sleep was a complete waste of time since I was old enough to have an opinion on the subject.

My mom used to tell me the story of how it was always more trouble than it was worth for her to try and make me take a nap. She'd barely get me to lie down and I'd be right back up again. According to her, the reason she wanted my sister and me to take naps was so that we wouldn't be all cranky and difficult in the evening. However, turns out that dealing with little-kid me after an hour of lying down being bored silly was much worse than dealing with little-kid me being tired at the end of a non-napping day. So she cut me a deal. Don't get cranky at night, and you don't have to take a nap. We called the lawyers, signed the papers and that was that. Naptime was off my agenda.

My mom used this as an example of how logical I always have been, but I think it's pretty logical of her to propose it. She also used to tell the story (at the most inopportune moments) of my two-minute toilet training, but let's leave some mystery between us, shall we?

As I was saying - wow am I tired. And my goodness, I can't imagine why, since in the last fourteen days I've gotten between two to four hours sleep per night most days. Or nights - or early mornings - as the case may be. I think there have been a couple in there where I got my usual six. My back muscles are sore, my feet are a little tired, my eyes sincerely rebelled against the Visine this morning, and I have a headache not to be believed. But my brain keeps saying no no not yet, there's more to do! I've gone to bed about 3 every night so far this week, except last night I did call it a night early and hit the sack by 2. And when I came home from work yesterday, I had - gasp - a nap. My body isn't breaking down, just calmly and insistently trying to give me a message that it would like to lie down and do nothing for a little while. And if I don't want to yet, then fine, but here's a little more pain for your trouble. And I'm dealing with the headache and muscle pain and remembering how I got it and I'm still the happiest chick in the world.

I guess I'd better rest... but I'm not being difficult and cranky... so do I gotta????

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