...and now what?

2004-03-31 - 8:34 p.m.

They're married!

Anyone who reads mdt (does this make her mdtl now?) and has been following the wedding plans, they're married! It was beautiful - I surprised myself by crying through the whole thing. Well, her husband started it by talking to me before the ceremony and making me cry then. There were some stressful things going on (stress surrounding a wedding - imagine such a thing!) and the way he handled it made me so glad she picked him. Dumb man, making me cry and all. But he's a good one. And yay for finding out my mascara is waterproof. Who knew.

I also got to meet some of her family - her brother was there with two of his kids, and one of her sisters was there. I was very very honored to be included in the family picture with them. I could tell you how totally hot her brother is if I want to hear her go "eeeuuwww!" (He's very hot, seriously. No ass to speak of, but smokin hot.)

I also got to meet her husband's parents.

Uh huh. Next subject?

Actually I have to make one comment, and she said I could. I'm stunned to announce that I do not, in fact, as had previously been decided, have the craziest mother-in-law in all the universe. Actually, I do believe it's a tie as far as actual volume of crazy. But at least mine is crazy with a great distaste for confrontation. She hates me, and everything I do is wrong; but when she tells me so, at least it's quietly, sometimes in writing, and often in a language I don't actually speak. Just as crazy but at least easier to avoid, is my point. In the difficult father-in-law arena, mdt beats me totally. In any game of rock-paper-scissors, crazy mean beats frosty superior.

Also met some other relatives of his, and they seemed very nice and polite and personable. Thank God.

But it was a beautiful wedding. The kids stood with them, and it was very touching. The minister was cool, and the ceremony was great and nicely personal. The photographer was a cool guy too, and I hope mdt will let me see some of his pictures, since mine that I took of the church and various people before the ceremony got erased. Personally I think she conjured up a spirit to go mess with my camera. (Private warning... if you don't let me see the official pictures, I'll have to stalk your brother and get him to give me copies of his. Is that really what you want? Me stalking your brother and finessing what I want out of him? We'll leave it at that.)

The reception was great too. The food was fantastic, and she did a great job decorating the cake with silk flowers. I chatted with a lot of the people there, and they all had a great time. The few with whom I didn't chat because they didn't deserve my company can bite me.

Some stress, sure... but all in all a great success. And without a doubt, you have never seen two people more in love, or five people more happy to be a family. The rest is trivia.

I don't think I'm stealing any of her thunder here. If I am, I'll delete this, and you all have to act surprised when she posts. Do we have a deal?

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