...and now what?

2004-04-15 - 7:41 p.m.

So many pop culture references in such a short entry

There is a reason that the Spinal Tap song didn't go, "Workin' in a cube farm..."








I don't try to listen. I do enough traveling that people-watching and eavesdropping are kind of companion hobbies, but I don't try to listen to the conversations on the other side of the cube wall from me. In fact, I would go so far as to say I try NOT to listen. But sometimes... it's like some people who just have to slow down and look at a car accident, to see what kind of carnage has gone on. Sometimes you just have to listen, no matter how hard you try to turn your ears away. Oh, the inanity!

On the other side of the wall today, one guy was telling another about a very funny episode of a TV show that he had recently seen. He was describing it in painstaking detail. Or more accurately, painsgiving.

Right down to quoting exact dialogue. Line... after line... after line.

And doing impressions of the voices of the characters.

"Then Spongebob says..."

"And then Patrick's like..."

"So Spongebob's all..."

Dave... my mind is going. I can feel it. I'm afraid...

Daisy, day... zee...

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