...and now what?

2004-04-21 - 7:20 p.m.

For Unlawful Coffee Knowledge

I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way in to work today and got a coffee. Got in, sat at my desk, and looked at the cup - you know how they write on the cups with those black pencils to identify your order? Well mine said... F-U-C and a squiggle. And I'm like, wow - someone is writing swear words on the coffee cups now? That's very passive-aggressive.

Then I realized the squiggle looked like "SL" - which could be the sweet and lo I asked for. Then the rest of it started to make sense. I ordered French Vanilla coffee... with Cream.

But that was the roundest "V" I ever saw. I still think that was someone who found a way to have a little fun at work and fvcsl with people's minds a little.

Then again, maybe it was just my interpretation. Van Halen was on the radio while I was going through the drive-thru, after all.

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