...and now what?

2004-04-22 - 6:25 p.m.

Loose End Round-up

Because I hate to leave all you nice people hanging...

I did go ahead and buy my airline ticket for my replacement trip. I have occasionally seen fares go down, but very rarely in a case like this: less than a month to go, and with at least one end of the trip involving a place that's not a major hub. One of those damn connecting hallways.

I was annoyed to find when I went to buy my ticket, that though the airlines en masse, in one huge conspiratorial gesture, had all increased their prices on my route, the one airline I had planned to purchase from had increased their fares by $30, in comparison to everyone else's $20. Rat bastards. The only reason I wanted to buy from them was a slightly better schedule (an extra hour of sightseeing time) - not like I have any inherent alliances to any of the airlines. So I paid the extra $10 for the extra hour. Well, as of today, the other airlines looked around and said hey - they charged more than us and someone paid them! We better charge more too! And the rest of them went up by $10 to match.

Oh yeah. Competition is alive and well there.

Leftunspoken, don't even tempt me about the wigs... you have no idea how much I'd love that. I could so get into wearing a wig and dark glasses to work. And not only that, but just this weekend, I was looking in the mirror thinking how much I REALLY want to put a streak of color in my hair. Not like normal streaks or even chunks. But a big splashy streak of, say, electric blue. Or neon purple or pink or red. Not green or orange or yellow for some reason. Although really bright yellow or orange completely I could see.

I won't. But I'd love it.

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