...and now what?

2004-07-05 - 12:59 a.m.

another pleasant valley sunday

Okay, so I saw my band again this weekend. I hadn't decided until the last minute, because they were playing were two shows, one Saturday night and one Sunday, and I really wanted to go to both for different reasons. However, they were both general admission, and they were 10 hours apart. Yes, my band is a bunch of insane road dogs. So am I, of course, but I lack the tour bus and driver that would allow me to indulge my road dogness to the extent they do. Until last weekend I hadn't decided for sure so I hadn't bought the plane ticket, but Tuesday morning before I left my parents' house I made a decision and bought the ticket. I had even thought that maybe I'd be sensible and save my money and not go to either show. But that would mean I wouldn't see my band through all of July - and although it's happened before that I've gone a whole month, I become not a very pleasant person when it's been too long since my last show. Spoiled brat - present. And I should know that while I'm still under the influence of adrenaline intoxication from a recent show, I'm highly likely to break down and book the next one. So, even though it was less than a week away from the last one in June, it counts as a July show, and now I think I'll be okay with it being August before I see them again.

I picked the Saturday show, and decided to chance flying in that morning. It's always nerve-wracking flying in on the same day as a show, because there's always the possible nightmare of a cancellation or delay. But everything worked out fine and I got in at 10am. I flew into a tiny tiny little airport, even a little smaller than the one in my hometown used to be. The one where my parents live, which I just flew out of on Tuesday, has gotten bigger in the 15 or so years I've been flying in and out of there. They now have an actual baggage carousel rather than just a concrete slab, and a video monitor to show which flights are departing and arriving in and out of the grand total of three gates. When we arrived at the airport here yesterday morning, the flight attendant announced that we should all stay seated until the jetway was secure against the plane. Several people snickered, and I thought, you haven't flown into this airport before, have you honey? I hadn't either, but I could tell by looking out the window. Jetway? We were on a plane with less than 40 seats, taxiing up to an airport terminal that was less than a quarter of the size of the Walmart SuperCenter two miles down the highway. No jetway. We barely needed the stairs they rolled up for us.

I don't mind those small airports one bit. First of all I'm used to them. But also, it makes the baggage claim process take about three minutes total, and it makes getting out of the airport simple. No Concourse A, B, C, D, and E; no zillion exits to get out of the airport compound, and this one has something that even the airport in my hometown doesn't have any more... free parking. In the morning when I go to leave, I'll be able to leave the hotel ten minutes before I need to arrive at the airport. That's how long it takes to get there, and I'll need to allow about 40 seconds for the entire "finding parking and getting inside" process.

Speaking of getting there though, I meant to write a lot more, but it got to be time to go watch fireworks, and now it's reeeeeally late and I need to get to bed so I can get up at 4am... oy. Sure was nice not to have to do that this morning right after the show, but tomorrow morning after getting back from late fireworks isn't going to be that much better. But it was so worth every complaint my feet have with me right now (standing for 6+ hours yesterday and almost 4 tonight) and it will be worth the lack of sleep headache I'm sure I'll have tomorrow. I'll just say this - I do this for the sheer joy of it, but every now and then it's nice to be made to feel special too. God bless this band and their crew... I sure love them all.

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