...and now what?

2004-09-20 - 11:46 p.m.

inlaw update

Well then... that was interesting.

If you recall on our last episode, my inlaws were supposed to arrive on Thursday. Upon being told I'd be out of town beginning Friday, after a couple of days they announced they'd be arriving on Friday instead. So they didn't arrive until after I was gone. I got home last night about 11 pm, kind of dreading walking in and having to be "on" when I was so tired, to find the pleasant surprise that they had gone to bed already.

Furthermore, I was told that they had just decided that day that they'd be leaving in the morning. It's their custom to leave way early, before I'm up.

Which all means... they got here after I left on Friday, and left before I woke up Monday morning. They were in my house all weekend and I never actually saw them.

Which, you know, is more than fine with me. Just saying. My husband still insists they like me and are as interested in seeing me as seeing him. Hm. All I can say is, had it been my parents and my husband was gone - they would have either stayed up until he got in, or left later so they could say hello and goodbye to him this morning before leaving.

They left me gifts. Which makes me feel a bit guilty, even more so this time since they weren't able to see me face to face and say something insulting, which they always do. Well, she does, every time without fail; he has about a 70% success rate in being condescending.

So I now have... three new tubes of body cream, one necklace which is um, shall we say not my taste and also too short to have any hope of ever being fastened around my neck. And two, uh... things. Big (couple of inches) decorated metal plate, with some chain links and beads and stuff hanging down, and a little leather strap at the top. Could be little wall hangings, could be rreally bulky bookmarks. Could be tiny metal kites with little metal tails, that are never going to fly no matter what they do. Well, possibly if I throw them out the window they might fly a bit. But I won't.

Again, just saying... since you have no idea what I would actually like, and have no interest in finding out, obviously the gifts are either a result of some sort of obligation, or an attempt to be controlling. They are things that YOU would like me to wear, or that YOU would like me to put on my wall, because they are YOUR taste. Not mine. And not my husband's either, I'd like to add. That would be different if he liked this crap a little.

So, last time I'd discussed the specifics of my future whereabouts with my husband, I'd said I was either going home to see my family this coming weekend or next, and since it kinda mattered to him, I'd try to schedule it around his parents if I could. At the time I did say that I'd rather go sooner than later. He told me he'd rather I wait a week, as this coming weekend would probably be easier for his parents, but to go ahead and make my plans and not base it on them, since they change their plans with the slightest breeze.

So just this weekend, I bought my plane ticket to go home in two weeks. When I got home, right after my husband told me his parents were leaving in the morning, he said, "They'll be back not this weekend, but next." I laughed and asked what day. He said, "Thursday - won't you be here?" I told him I'd just booked my ticket - I leave Saturday. Poor thing.

I still think there's a high probability that they'll decide to blow off the second visit. How happy would they be if they could say they came over and never had to see me for a second on the whole trip? Especially if they get to make themselves think I kept changing my plans to avoid them?

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