...and now what?

2004-09-20 - 2:22 a.m.

a few quick missives and some gypsy curses

Dear Delta: You suck. May you go out of business quickly and good riddance. May any nice people who happen to work for you get better paying jobs at someplace that doesn't suck as bad as you. And may the person who thought up the policy that you can reschedule me all you want and I can't do anything about it have to go through the random security search every day for the rest of his or her life, whether he or she is near an airport or not.

Dear TSA person who accused me of jumping the lane because your idiot ID-checker gave me an instruction that was impossible to follow, and then didn't understand English well enough to explain to me what she meant when I asked: You suck. You suck even more because I can't tell you that you suck and not get put on a no-fly list with Ted Kennedy. May everyone you ever have to search from now on smell like cheese.

Dear idiot who sat in the middle seat and took half of my seat belt and half of the seat belt of the person on the other side, leaving you with a functioning (if backward) seat belt, me with two face plates and the other chick with two buckles: you made a mistake. Deal with it, just unbuckle and let us sort it out, instead of sitting there like a jerk and looking at us like we're wrong for not taking what you left us and tying the pieces in a knot to buckle ourselves in. P.S. - this means I was not sitting on your belt when you asked me to get up. I was sitting on my own belt, which I believe is allowed in my contract of carriage from Delta (who suck). May you get trapped in a revolving door .

Dear fucking thief who stole my jacket at last night's show - wtf are you thinking? It's a lousy ordinary denim jacket and there was nothing in the pockets. You could have least have ransacked it and tossed it back down in the dirty floor for me to pick up. It probably didn't even fit you. WTF? Who does that? Now I have to go back to Fashion Bug and spend another $30. May you have nosebleed seats for every concert and sporting event you attend for the rest of your life, and may the ATM machine eat your card the next time you use it on a weekend when the bank is closed.

Okay, I'm done. Those were the dark clouds of my weekend. The rest... awesome.

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