...and now what?

2004-10-23 - 1:19 a.m.


First and foremost: STOP SENDING ME EMAIL ABOUT ROLEXES. If you want to give me one, just drop it off on the front step. You can leave it on the pumpkin, even. That would be cute. Otherwise STOP. Really.

Okay, that's done. Now.

After that I went off into a long boring thing about how I have no friends and no one to talk to about personal issues, but I deleted it, because you know what, by definition, who really cares.

There are two people I'd like to talk to. But one, I'm too afraid she'd just tell me what she thinks of me and I'm afraid it's not good. What I'm really afraid of though is that she thinks I was never her friend, for her. That's not true and I hope she knows it. She may read this. Hi, sorry I'm such a weenie.

The other, I'm just...

(five minutes later) well, you see the problem there. I can't decide which should be the dominant emotion, and no way I can start a conversation not knowing that.

I have such a headache.

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