...and now what?

2004-11-19 - 10:00 p.m.

not quite truth in advertising

I subscribe to about seventeen million mailing lists, 16.5 million of which originate from radio stations and concert venues around the country. It's to feed the research librarian component of the rock chick. Anyway, one of the venues sent out an email today saying that they'd gotten a lot of feedback saying they sent out too many emails. Personally I didn't notice - it wasn't like two a day or anything. So, they said they understood people's concerns, bla bla, and they pledged not to send out more than one per week from now on. They actually used the words "we pledge." I thought, okay, whatever.

An hour later they send out their latest update. Heh. Guess they should have said "no more than one per week - except for this next one. Starting next week. Promise!"

There's a radio ad I hear in the mornings as I drive to work. It says, "Your kid loses his retainer. That's half your vacation budget. Come stay with us. You'll get your second night in our hotel at half price. And that's... half your vacation budget."

Umm... er? How can half off of one night of a two-night stay be half your vacation budget? Half off the cost of a ONE-night stay could only be half your vacation budget if you weren't going to spend any other money - like, say, to get to the hotel, or eat anything. Also, if the cost of a retainer is the same as half the cost of a hotel room for one night - either retainers are a lot cheaper than I thought, or that's one damn expensive hotel room. Also - do you have to prove loss of a retainer to get this half-off deal? They don't make that clear in the ad.

Maybe this is an extra credit algebra problem. Your vacation budget is X. The cost of a retainer is Y. Y = X/2. The cost of one night at the hotel is Z. You're staying two nights (at least), so X must be >=2Z. Additionally, however, Z/2 = X/2; therefore Z=X, which is impossible if X>=2Z.

I believe that's mathematical proof that that particular radio ad doesn't exist.

Or at the least, it's proof that the rock chick, to complement the research librarian component, also has an algebra geek component.

I always said there were fourteen personalities in here.

And OH MY GOD. If I hear "Oh Sherrie" ONE MORE TIME I'm going to EXPLODE. The chick in the cube behind me tunes her radio to some "lite pop" station and they play "Oh Sherrie" EVERY FREAKIN DAY.

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