...and now what?

2004-11-23 - 7:07 p.m.

whine whine whine

Is it me?

Just tell me. Is it me?

The company I work for has this Thursday and Friday as holidays, as many places in the US do. Means I only get 3 days pay this week, but that's beside my bitchy, whiny point.

Have I mentioned how I still get reminded, after working here for almost 16 months, that I'm "just temping"? Oh I have? Once or twice? Okay just checking.

In our little group of four in this row, MH and Betty are going to be out on Wednesday - early start to the holiday. I know this because the other one, Midge, asked me yesterday if I'd be here Wednesday. I said yep, I'll be here.

So today there was an over-the-cubicle-wall discussion between Betty and Midge, and something amusing was said, and they laughed.

Then Midge says - oh, what am I going to do tomorrow, there will be no laughing here, I'll be all alone!

Now tell me.

Is that just fucking rude or am I hyperfuckingsensitive?

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