...and now what?

2005-07-21 - 11:54 p.m.

much too weird for PBS

...and to follow up on the "weird fan" thing...

Rach, I answered your question in the guestbook. Yep, you do know who the famous person is. The strange-oid fan purportedly just left the list (who knows if people really do leave lists when you think they do? bwahahahaha) and NOW everyone is saying they never really believed her. Oddly, I do. I just think she was hoping for a lot of fawning that she didn't get and a lot of people begging for more information. Man, in the old days of that list, the regulars would have ripped her throat out and eaten her insides for lunch. Sigh... good times.

At first I wrote that "we" would have, but I can't rightfully claim that I was one of the throat-rippers who didn't let people get away with shit. I would just make fun of them privately behind their backs (gee, kinda like now) and let the professional disembowelers do their jobs. No, my role on the list was to be one of the ones who made sarcastic wisecracks and posts sprinkled with not-particularly-subtle sexual innuendo. Then I'd wake up two weeks later and go, ohmygod, I flirted with HIM? Hey, I was (am) a boring geek girl in real life. My previous textual promiscuity is the only "past" I can claim. Let me keep my illusions.

When I typed "boring" above it came out "borking." In fact, when I tried to type it just now, it also came out "borking." Let's try that again. Borking. Wow. I can't type that word without putting a K in it today. Perhaps that affair I had with the Swedish Chef affected me more than I had thought.

I think I should stop now. When the word "muppetfucker" springs to mind, it's just time to stop.

Man, I am so getting googled for that. I can see it now.

You know what though, I have to admit that I got an evil little chuckle out of the fact that as this chick left the list, she said thank you to the list owner, and totally mangled his sounds-normal-but-he-spells-it-different name. It's only that funny because he so reminds me of the guy in the TBS commercial whose name is Raphael but his boss keeps calling him Duane. (I love the line that's only in the long version of that ad: "He looooves his name... Rrrrraphaellll.")

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