...and now what?

2005-12-04 - 12:45 p.m.

sucky weekend

I didn't put up my outside lights over Thanksgiving because I didn't feel like clearing snow off all the bushes and the front porch to do it. Yesterday was sunny and would have been perfect, but my day was stolen from me. And now today it's snowing again plus today is really sucking so far too. I did put the wreaths up on my two doors even though I was totally not in the mood.

Note: when you say, "I'm sorry, but-" and this is followed by the justification for which you did what you did for which you're claiming you're sorry? You're not really sorry. That's like one of those "I'm sorry you're upset" non-apologies. Admittedly, at least it's an "I somehow think I SHOULD be sorry but I'm not" non-apology, which is a little better... but it's not an apology.

It obviously doesn't mean sorry enough not to do it again. Which is what my mom always said is the way to show you're actually sorry you did something. Don't do it again.

Oh well. I live here.

Another note: argument occurred immediately after he got off the phone with his mother. Coincidence?

Okay, just to update... it got better. We have a probably not so great way of getting over arguments and hurt feelings, but it seems to be the only way that works semi-consistently for us without making it worse.

So we're okay... and I took a couple "sucky"s out of the title of this entry.

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