...and now what?

2005-12-02 - 7:15 p.m.

one less hole in my head

While I hate to knock this morning's funny conversation off the front page here, I feel like I'd be leaving something unfinished if I didn't report on today's dental appointment.

I think I may be able to stay with this practice. There, I typed it. Don't make me regret it, dentists.

Today was my visit to fix the one cavity that was bothering me, and maybe one of the other multitude while I was there, depending on time, bla bla. So I talked to the dentist first about exactly which teeth he was going to work on and exactly what he was going to do. He answered without acting like he was going out of his way and doing me this huge favor - which you'd hope would be natural for a medical person, but in my experience with dentists in this area - quite rare.

Then he asked me if I wanted a silver or a white filling. Who, me? I get to like - DECIDE? Wow. So I told him I want whatever's going to hold up longer. He explained how that sometimes depends on the size of the cavity, what's left of the tooth, etc., and that some people prefer the white no matter what for looks - and "I can see that you have one filling that's white." I tried not to grit my teeth while refraining from telling him WHY I have that white filling, since I can't tell that story without spitting fire and cursing his chosen profession. And we were getting along fine so far, so I didn't want to do that. So I told him well, you can see I have a mouth full of silver already so I don't care if there's more. So he nodded and said, okay, so we're not going for aesthetics, we're going for strength. In type that looks like it could have been a bit of a snarky response, but it wasn't - just meant he totally understood what I wanted.

The actual filling of the tooth went fine. I was trying to think how it would have been with no novocaine (or whatever they use - for some reason I think it's not actually novocaine any more, but I could be wrong) but it's hard to tell since he just numbed me up without even asking. Had he asked, I would have said "yes please" anyway. Really though, the numbness wore off about an hour after I was back at work, and since then, no pain whatsoever (knock wood). Yesterday, after having my teeth and gums worked over by the evil explorer tool, I was sore for about 12 hours after. So I guess I'd prefer to be drilled than explored... make of that what you will.

Afterward we talked about what he did and what's up for the next visit. First of all he said that the other cavity he was thinking of doing today, in the tooth right next to the one he did work on, is so small that he's not even going to fill it since it isn't bothering me. He said, "I'd have to increase the size of the hole so much just to make enough room for a filling, it doesn't make sense." So the next thing is this broken tooth I've had since 2003 - the reason it broke was some decay, so he's going to get rid of that and fill the tooth. Then, he said, since a lot of the tooth is gone, I can think about a crown in the future, or if I want, I can go to the crown immediately since it is more protection. Since he phrased it like it was my choice (again!) I said that since the thing had been so painless for so long, I'd really like to mess with it as little as possible and so therefore I'd prefer not to get a crown. He said, okay, that's fine.

So seriously. This guy talks me OUT of a filling... and lets ME decide NOT to get a crown, with no pressure. And it's not in a "fine, let your teeth rot, see if I care" kind of way. I honestly believe in my heart that the last two dentists I've been to would have looked at that broken tooth and told me, "You need a crown." NEED. And what am I supposed to say to that? I wouldn't have had the courage to say "no, I don't want one."

So, this is good so far... thank God. Maybe I can get back to where I can say I'm not afraid of dentists anymore... I have not enjoyed my time as an anti-Dentite.

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