...and now what?

2005-12-08 - 12:31

good grief

One of my good friends has suddenly turned into Miss Email Forwarder. I think she's going for some kind of 2005 award or something. So if you want to know why Santa didn't answer your letter or you want to see the top five records you don't want to hold or know the six kinds of sex... just let me know, I'll send her your email and tell her to add you right on.

She's a sweetheart, but omg.

However speaking of things that get sent around to everyone in the online world, have you seen the Christmas lights set to TSO music? Click there if you haven't. Or even if you have, because seeing it again won't hurt you. I LOVE THIS. Everyone keeps saying they'd hate to live near these people, but if I lived near them, I'd be set up in a chair across the street from their house, sitting there all night clapping and squealing, "Again, again!" like some demented teletubbie. If that's not redundant.

At least my forward-thinking friend can spell. I just get twitches when a couple of my acquaintances... both of whom think they are educated people... email me things like "they tour down a building" and "that was such a sad movie, by the end I was balling." (Really. Didn't know they allowed that at PG-13 movies) And it happens so often I know it's not typing... it's lack of vocabulary. Which isn't a sin but does make my eye twitch.

Well, that was nastiness for the sake of nastiness, wasn't it? Sorry about that.

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Recent ramblings:
I weep for the lack of math skillzz - 2007-01-02
That's it, 2006... - 2007-01-01
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lights, 2006 - 2006-12-11
I always intend to update more frequently... but then... - 2006-12-11