...and now what?

2006-01-23 - 1:19 a.m.

it was probably Spiro, not that I can prove it

This weekend I finally found the CDs I've been looking for, for years. There were about six of them. One I hadn't seen since 2 jobs ago and by now I'd just pretty much assumed I left it there, in the bottom of a desk drawer or back behind a shelf where I didn't see it when I was packing up. Then there were four that were Christmas CDs, and I thought maybe I'd taken them somewhere Christmassy and they never came home. Then there was another one that really stumped me because I knew I'd never taken it out of the house, yet I couldn't find it anywhere.

This weekend I just came across them while looking for something else. The Christmas one and the odd one were actually all together. The other one was with a bunch of other CDs. That's what mystifies me - while none of them were where I'd put them if I were properly putting them away, all of them were hanging out with other CDs in a little pile or stack somewhere in the living room. And I thought I'd looked through all the little piles and stacks of CDs when I was actively looking for these.

Which leads me to the conclusion that I have way too many piles and stacks of CDs in this house.

So I'm buying a new CD tower. Considering the stack of about 30 CDs that are currently about three inches from my left hand right now, that I knock over all the time, that's probably a good decision. Especially since that stack has been there for about a year, although not always comprised of the same 30 CDs.

So we're hanging out this afternoon watching TV and my husband says to me, "Let me ask you something and see if you can do this. There's two cars on a road, and they leave in opposite directions and each travel exactly six miles. Then they each turn right. Then they each travel eight more miles and stop. How far apart are they now?" And I said, oh, I can't do that in my head. And he said, yes you can, try it. So I did and sure enough I gave him the answer in just a few seconds. He was impressed. We agreed Pythagoras is cool.

This is why we married each other.

I moved on from my recent Kiss-listening phase. I figure when you have a dream featuring Gene Simmons, it's really time to move along. Wanna hear the dream? It's slightly amusing. I was working at a magazine as an intern, and they were going to interview Gene Simmons, so I tagged along with the interviewer and the photographer. We go to meet Gene, and when we get there, he's in full makeup and costume. And I thought to myself, why is he all decked out? Not like everyone in the entire world who has any interest in seeing him without makeup hasn't seen him already. Then I thought, wow, he looks really in shape - he hasn't looked that thin for 30 years. Not that I'm saying he's fat. It's just that you put anyone in a spandex suit like that, and you're going to see every little bulge. (Leaving the obvious joke for you nice people.) And there weren't any - so I thought, wow, he's been working out or something. So then he and the interviewer were talking, and he told a joke and it was REALLY funny. And I thought, wow, that was pretty good, he's usually not... HEY. And I pulled the interviewer aside and told her, that's not Gene Simmons. And she said, how do you know? And I said, he's way too thin and that joke was way too funny. No way that's him.

Okay, maybe it wasn't slightly amusing. But to me it was just funny in its bizarreness.

There should be a better word for bizarreness. Like bizarrocity or something.

And just so you don't think Gene is that far into my brain, it was really just his turn to be guest star, I think. It's more unusual for there not to be a celebrity in one of my dreams than for there to be one. It's always been that way. The next night I had a dream that I was in high school with Kevin Kline and we were on a field trip to London and got separated from the group and something about socks. I don't remember a lot about that one.

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