...and now what?

2006-06-14 - 11:08 p.m.

come on baby, just a little giggle

A recent discovery: Turns out that laughing at my jokes goes way further than I'd like to admit toward healing hard feelings. The extremely rude thing this person did to a member of my family has bothered me for a couple of years, and now I'm thinking, well, maybe she's not so bad after all. As much as I like to think of myself as a grudge-holder, apparently I'm more of a laugh-whore.

A recent re-discovery: That weird feeling you get when you've just Nair-ed your legs is very cool. You know, the way a pair of cotton slacks suddenly feels like silk against the skin on your legs, because they're so smooth and soft without their protective layer of hair.

Sorry, TMI?

In other news...

What is with the teenage cow in jeans advertising Silk soy milk and talking about how it's good for your heart? What am I not getting here with the cow significance? Even cows don't wanna drink cowmilk? If you drink this you can get into your jeans even if you're a cow? This is good for you if you've had a transplant and now have a cow heart? Or... what? I'm missing something. I asked my husband what the point of that commercial is, and he said, "There is no point. It's moo." Which is the funniest thing Joey Tribbiani ever said, and I'm dying to find a way to use that in a real conversation one day.

Not to imply either that I'm married to Joey Tribbiani, or that my conversation with my husband was virtual. But you know. A conversation with a real, non-spousal person. But that's going to be tricky, because I want to be funny, not stupid. (see laugh-whore, above).

My boss was out of the office today so I got to be a little sarcastic with the telemarketers. I'm not rude, unless they're rude to me first. But come on - four calls from the same company in one morning, trying to sell something we honestly have zero use for, who keep calling back even though I keep saying no? I finally explained to the third one, patiently, in quite specific detail WHY we have no use for his product. He apologized, said we should have been marked to not get any more calls after I said no the first time, and promised we wouldn't be called again.

So, a half hour later when they called again...

I couldn't help it. I cracked up laughing half way through the poor woman's opening spiel, right after she said the company name. I said, "I'm sorry for laughing, but this is the fourth time your company has called me today. TODAY. And it's only 10:30. Please listen to me, honey. NO. No the next time you call, no for the rest of the day, and no all day tomorrow and every day after that. Okay? Have a good day. Bye now."

And I hung up. Following which, the other three people in my office all died laughing.

See above. Again.

Sooooooooo off I go on a plane tomorrow to see my family. We have something planned that's stressing me out a little. I'm sure it'll be fine and will probably be really fun... but I'm just stressed because I'm in charge. So wish me luck! Be good while I'm gone!

What Your Face Says
At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.

Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.

With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.

In love, you seem intelligent and a bit intimidating.

In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic.

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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Recent ramblings:
I weep for the lack of math skillzz - 2007-01-02
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