...and now what?

2006-07-17 - 10:45 p.m.

my toenail is blue

It really is, and I'm not happy about it. It hurts. I'd tell you what I did to it to make it all blue but it's one of those stories that make people go like this
and no one wants that. So just imagine something gross and painful and that's what happened. Clue for you, when something like that happens, don't google "blue toenail" because it won't make you happy.

My husband's suggestion is to paint my toenails. I'm thinking not really much help.

Other than that things are fine. I'd like it not to be 112 degrees but I'm lucky enough to have air conditioning at home and at work so really I have nothing to complain about. Well I was at an all day festival on Saturday where I got so overheated I thought I was going to be sick, and spent the rest of the afternoon pouring cold water on myself. But hey, I even paid for that privilege, and it was FUN dammit.

So I was at work today editing an article, and one of the writers used the term "naysayers" - well, she thought she did, anyway. She just happened to spell it "neigh sayers." I had to laugh. What is that anyway, a herd of really cynical horses? Do horses tend to be negative? Or am I just being fooled by the long faces?

Yeah yeah. Not even close to the moo point. I tried.

And if I may get all Dear Abby for a minute: confidential to Clarity: big hugs and good wishes. If I can't leave a note for you in yours, here's one in mine.

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