...and now what?

2006-09-01 - 7:33 p.m.

because someone has to mentor the young sluts

Still here. Same old story - not that there's nothing going on, just too busy to update.

My toenail is still kinda blue but it no longer hurts - I know you'll all be glad to find that out.

I'm actively trying to lose weight again. So far so good, but it makes me very dull as it causes an inordinate ratio of my thoughts to be about what I'm eating or not eating. I really don't want to do a diet diary so that's another reason I haven't been updating.

And the real reason I felt moved to update today... I went to look at the TV listings online, and there is this PBS show called "Ask This Old House." However since the entire name doesn't quite fit into the space on the grid, the show becomes...

PBS is supposed to be educational, after all.

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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Recent ramblings:
I weep for the lack of math skillzz - 2007-01-02
That's it, 2006... - 2007-01-01
dishes and drugs - 2006-12-16
lights, 2006 - 2006-12-11
I always intend to update more frequently... but then... - 2006-12-11