...and now what?

2004-04-22 - 9:15 p.m.

My sweater and I should get a room

I love the sweater I'm wearing today.

I think I can call it a sweater. It has short blousy sleeves and a scoop neck, but it's got that traditional knit 2-purl 2 pattern to it (I think it's 2 and 2 - been a very long time since I actually did any knitting) so I choose to call it a sweater. If that's wrong, I really don't care and neither does my sweater so why should anyone else? So there.

It has little shoulder pads and it's loose and coral colored. It's almost shiny. Not metallic kind of shiny, but it's made out of really thin yarn where the edges look kind of satiny when the light hits them. In fact now that I looked, it's actually rayon and silk. So not the kind of shiny where people would say, "wow, what's with the shiny clothes today?" but just a dressy business appropriate kind of shiny. Casual shiny. You might say.

As for how I look in it, all I generally shoot for is "not hideous." I do think I look not hideous in it. So that's good.

I bought it at Fashion Bug, which I also love. Not quite as much as I love this sweater, but it picks up some corollary love for being the place where I found this sweater. I bought it when I was shopping for new concert clothes. When it comes to concert clothes, I'm pretty conservative compared to a lot of chicks, but that doesn't mean I wear just anything. I won't go into my actual criteria, because you really don't need the entire road map of every single neurosis I have. But I saw this sweater and thought it might be good for indoor shows, and bonus, it's nice enough to wear to work. Didn't know yet how much I'd come to love it.

The first time I wore it was the Atlanta show last month. Good lord, was that last month? Seems like yesterday and like forever ago. But it was last month.

That was such a night. Such an afternoon too, but also such a night. This sweater (with me in it) got hugged by my band (most of them - including the one most important to me). It got spoken to, waved at, smiled at, recognized, appreciated... well okay that was more me, but the sweater was there the whole time as a witness.

It may be the reason I got noticed and given a special goodnight just for me. It was dark out (being night, this tends to happen) and this sweater is relatively brightly colored, so it may be what caught the glance. If not, it was at least definitely in the primary line of vision. It was a player.

This sweater soaked up a lot of happiness that night. It's been washed since then, but that happiness stuff, once it gets ground into the knit, is impossible to get out. This sweater is just irrevocably contaminated with happy.

I think it likes me too.

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