...and now what?

2004-06-13 - 11:22 p.m.

This is why I don't watch more movies

Since when is penis a euphemism for crotch? And for that matter, since when is crotch a restricted word?

Let me explain.

Has anyone else caught one of the many, many, MANY showings of "What Women Want" this weekend on TBS? The one where Mel Gibson can hear what women think?

Okay, who remembers hearing, ON TELEVISION, thirty thousand times, the ad for that movie back when it was in theaters, where Helen Hunt says, "I just looked at his crotch"?

They are also currently showing that exact same clip, on TBS, to advertise the movie being on TBS, and in the ad she says - "I just looked at his crotch."

If you actually watch the movie, when they get to that moment in the movie, she says, "I just looked at his penis."

Excuse me? What was wrong with crotch - and why is penis better?

That's the stupidest edit I've heard since they replaced "eat my shorts" with "eat my socks" in Breakfast Club.

And besides. Who would ever think "I just looked at his penis?" Who talks like that in their own head? Please.

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