...and now what?

2004-06-15 - 7:02 p.m.

you suck but don't sue us

Okay, so last night was the finale of WB's Which Singer Sucks Worst contest. I still say it should have ended with the "winner" freaking out and dumping slime all over the judges. Those three people - okay, I'm not sure Briggs is actually a person, that may be a character made up for this show - but the other two apparently are actual people who once upon a time had something approximating public careers. They looked the contestants in the eye every week and lied to them so that they could make fun of them on national television - if WB counts as national television. Not the least of their crimes is they were NOT FUNNY. But to be not funny AND hurtful... well, all I can say is that I hope every shirt they ever put on for the rest of their lives is scratchy or has a really uncomfortable tag that won't come off. Deal with THAT until you say you're sorry and mean it.

And let me say this - the ending of the show sucked worse than any of the contestants' voices. They completely wimped out when it came to what was supposedly the big announcement at the end, telling the "winner" that the whole thing was a lie. I'm actually glad about that. I do wonder if what he said to the winner was carefully scripted to be that confusing and vague, or if some of it was him standing in front of her and not being able to go through with being so cruel.

So okay - they come up with the idea for this show and won't it be funny to snark on all these people who think they have talent. They let the judges follow through on their mean-spirited misleading commentary. They advertise the show heavily with the hook "What will happen when we reveal the big secret?" The lead-out to just about every commercial on every show is a preview of the final episode using the voiceover, with wicked heavy echo, "We LIED to you when we told you you were good. We weren't looking for America's BEST singer."

Then they lose their nerve - whether they were afraid of a lawsuit or a suicide or what I'm not sure - but they soften the ending so much the winner can't even tell that she's been had. "We lied to you when we told you you were good - but we didn't lie to you about that audience loving you!" And "We weren't looking for America's best singer - just someone who thought they were the best and wouldn't let anything stop them - not even a lousy voice." Then ending up with "We're giving you all these prizes to help you with your career - are you willing to do whatever it takes to become a true superstar? Good luck with your career!" The girl understandably still seemed to think she'd won a real talent contest - and just that the host was kind of a jerk for taking some shots at her in his speech.

They broke it to the runners-up a bit more clearly, that the point of the show was looking for the worst singer. They seemed to take it cluelessly well - of course at the time, they hadn't seen the show yet to know how badly they were torn down behind their backs the whole way. But whoever was standing off-camera telling them seemed, thankfully, to be trying to spare their feelings, instead of giving the ruthless shocking revelation they'd been advertising.

So it's basically... okay this was our idea for a show but we couldn't handle it and that's not how it turned out... but let's market the show how we think it'll attract people never mind what the show actually is... and if at the end people don't like it, fuck 'em, they watched didn't they? Hahahahaha!

Oh yes - I realize who got tricked here. I do hope the contestants are getting royalties from the CD of performances that WB is selling.

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