...and now what?

2005-04-13 - 12:44 a.m.

the brighter side...

This time, I refused to even post the moody bitchy blathering until I had the rebuttal ready to go up and cover it. So if you'd like to visit the cranky old bitch before (or after) reading this entry, do be my guest.

However... for all my pissing and moaning, life is pretty good. When I wrote the previous previous post, I was just tired of fighting... with banks and insurance companies, with poison pill co-workers, with people who get pissed at me for keeping any good thing I have for myself. Hey wait - this is supposed to be the bright side!

As I was saying - life is pretty good. The following items are in no particular order and certainly not in order of importance.

The job is going well. I just take what's said by the one person who has been labeled by someone OTHER than me as "the disgruntled employee" and add many many grains of salt, and keep going. I'm doing the "consider the source" thing and reacting to others based on my own experience with them, not horror stories of how they used to be and surely will be again. Working out well so far.

Health is okay. I'm about - oh let's pick a meaningless percentage at random - 90% over the last problem I was having. And, that may be about as good as it gets. Frightening how many of those "well, this is what you're going to have to adjust to and live with" situations have come upon me since I turned 40. Or actually, it all seemed to begin when I turned 39 and two-thirds, but 40 really rolls off the tongue so much more easily. Life may begin at forty, but my body seems to have begun at forty to disintegrate. I tell my husband if he comes home one evening and just finds a pile of parts where I should be, to just sweep them over in the corner and try not to trip over them and hurt himself, because I'm surely and not so slowly falling apart. Funny though, how my mind works... once I find out what I'm dealing with, and I know the parameters of pain or inconvenience or whatever, I deal with it and my new limitations and move on. Here's hoping that my afflictions continue to be ones I can handle that way.

Side note to that - I had been going to a different doctor for this last thing just because mine happened to be away the two times I was there. Last followup, I switched back to my regular doctor. He pointed out some things about the lab tests that the other doctor hadn't mentioned to me, and listened to my observations about what makes me feel better and what makes me feel worse. Came up with a slightly different diagnosis (which suited me because I, with my medical degree, disagreed with the first guy) which has somewhat of a treatment plan other than "let's wait and see what happens." Turns out that the answer is "get more exercise." Bleah. Maybe I should go back to the other doctor after all... but I'm trying to get out and walk a few blocks at lunch whether I want to or not. And it does help except that the arthritis in my foot isn't always happy about it. I need better shoes. Let's move on; I can continue this conversation with myself later.

Husband is amazing. Seriously. The fact that anyone puts up with me is just seriously amazing. And yet he still hangs around. In fact the other day he said, "How did I get so lucky? I have a 40 year old wife who looks like she's 25!" You know, putting that in writing, I can see all kinds of ways it might sound like a rotten thing to say. But trust me, it wasn't a comment on "youth is important" or "looks are important" or anything negative. It was just a "you look pretty" compliment. And I don't - either look pretty or look 25. But that's when it's even more important to have someone think you do look pretty. I don't really care about looking 25.

Family is good. My niece is eight months old now and I'm going to see her again next month. Well, and her parents and grandparents who happen to be my sister and brother-in-law and my parents. But let's get real. We know who the draw is. And she is the cutest child who ever lived. I've already bought her her first official rock concert shirt. It took some alterations to make it baby-sized, but hey, these things have to be done.

Travel/shows/band - all good. I haven't seen them as many times as I'd like to this year (only four! Tragedy!) but they've taken some time off and I've had the new job thingy - it works out. They're gearing back up for the summer and hopefully, so am I. More about that later - in fact, probably after it happens, as usual. I don't like to jinx myself.

There's the friend thing, but see the cranky old bitch about that one. Can't have everything.

Oh yeah and then there's the fact that the RED SOX are the damn DEFENDING WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS! It's funny, there was a McDonald's commercial recently - local, I'm presuming - that had a guy in a Red Sox hat, sitting in his truck in traffic. Just sitting. Then he gets this slow grin and starts laughing and pounding the steering wheel. And the voice over says, "Sometimes it just hits you again - THEY WON." And that's so right. Over the summer, every so often it was just like... damn... they really won!!

I was thinking as I was musing over this issue this summer, that I'd like three things when the season started again... for them to win their first game, for them to win their first home game, and for them to win their first game against the Yankees. Of course, the way the schedule worked out, their first game was against the Yankees (in New York), and their first home game (yesterday) was also against the Yankees. Well, they didn't win their first game, or their first game against the Yankees. They lost the first two to the Yankees, in fact. But you know, it didn't even really bother me too much. I kinda thought, you know, it's okay that they won these two. After all, we won the last two. Oh, no, wait, it was three. Oh, no, wait, it was four! Heh. So, I didn't get the first two things I wanted, but, they did win the home opener against the Yankees yesterday, after receiving their rings on the field. What a day for the players. As I was driving home from work, I found the game on the radio, and I heard, "top of the 8th and the score is 7-1 Boston" and I just went WHAT? And started to laugh. It was great.

Honestly, when did this become such a big deal to me? Last fall when they were in the ALCS, and I was going to miss a game, I went to Yahoo Sports and set up the feature to send the score of all Red Sox games to my phone as text messages at the end of every game. After the season ended, I forgot about it, until spring training started. Suddenly, in the middle of the afternoon, I'd hear "bee dee boo doop" which is the tone my phone plays when I get a text message. I was getting the scores of every training game. I was going to go turn it off, because I don't need the score of every game this season, but I kept forgetting, and every time I'd hear "bee dee boo doop" I'd smile. And who couldn't use an extra smile? So I think I'll leave it on.

Anyway. Don't listen when I bitch. It ain't so bad. And with the indulgence of those not part of Red Sox Nation (if anyone in or out of Red Sox Nation is still reading), I'm going to share some pretty pictures from yesterday's ring ceremony, stolen from the internet. Please no one sue me. Cuz that would suck.


Thanks Dave (and Terry)... thanks Curt...

Pretty smiles... thanks Johnny and Manny...

Love this one... thanks Papi... the glasses are wicked cool. Lookin' at the world through flies' eyes, lookin' at the world through flies' eyes...

Hey Tedy, hey Bobby... Tedy, get all better soon please...

Very, very pretty.

Damn. They won!!

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