...and now what?

2005-04-14 - 11:57 p.m.

where's everybody going?

A couple of months ago, the people who live next door to us on the right put their house up for sale, and moved out pretty soon after. The house still hasn't sold yet.

A few weeks after, a "for sale" sign went up in the front yard of the house across the street. They're still there at the moment but obviously, they're moving.

Today I came home from work and my husband said, "We have new neighbors." So I asked, on the right or across the street? and he said, "On the left."

As he was driving up, there were new people moving into the house on our left. I don't know when the other people moved out - maybe this morning? I know for a fact they were there this past weekend, and I'm pretty sure I was still seeing them over there earlier this week. But there are new people in there now. Turns out they bought the house pretty much the moment it went on the market - there wasn't even time for a sign to go up in the yard.

Um... was it something we said?

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