...and now what?

2005-08-31 - 10:41 p.m.

saying "cottage cheese" three times in one sentence is really too much

oh geez... I'm just starting to get serious about trying to lose weight again and wtf picks today to say, "Let's go on a diet together. Me and you." Sign from God I guess?

Well I'm not living on watercress and cottage cheese but I do like cottage cheese so I had cottage cheese and hot dogs for dinner tonight... as opposed to the doritos and dip and other stuff I don't want to think about that ordinarily would have gone along with the hot dogs. And I bought diet cherry coke just to keep my mouth confused. Because I like cherry coke, but not really so much the diet version, but it's okay and it's different enough to make my mouth think something's going on. I don't know. Am I supposed to make sense here?

I never tell anyone when I'm trying to lose weight. You nice folks don't count because you can't see me and you can't get in my face and ask me questions. I don't like people in my face. For the most part I don't care for people. Which is why I'm doing the at home version of WW this time - the big box of WW-in-a-box arrived today. Ten or eleven years ago (was it really that long?) I went to the meeting version and I liked it at the time. Problem there is that you really have to have a leader that "gets" you - or at least I do. If you could just tell me, eat healthy and exercise, and I'd say, WOW, I never thought of that - I wouldn't have this problem, now would I? But I've been to meetings in this area a few times and the leaders all suck. As did most of the members I met. And around here I always had to fight off some sales pitch at the scale - every week. One trauma at a time please? So now it's all in a box in my living room, no sucky people included, and any sales pitches will be via email and I'm used to deleting that crap. They should call this "WW for anti-social super control freaks."

My birthday is in 11 weeks and I've decided I'd like there to be less of me. We'll see... if I never bring it up again that means nothing, of course.

This would be so much easier if I had a private trainer and a chef. Eh.

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