...and now what?

2005-09-08 - 2:13 a.m.

can we have class outside today?

Wow, what a gorgeous day. I intended to do what I've been doing lately for lunch, which is walk downstairs to the deli and get a salad and bring it back and eat at my desk. The past few weeks, I either do that, or I walk across the office to the break room and get my sandwich out of the refrigerator and come back and eat at my desk. Exciting eh? But when it's muggy and uncomfortable outside, I just don't want to be out there. So today I put $10 in my pocket and walked out, intending to come right back.

But wow, when I got outside - it's about 80 degrees, sunny, breezy, and not humid. We just don't get too many days like this, and I'm not sure if we got ANY of them this summer. And there I was, out walking with no bag, no wallet, no STUFF to carry around. I love that - I should do it more often. So I figured, well, I'll walk around the block, then get my salad and go back.

Then I took a few steps, and my foot felt pretty decent, and I thought - you know it just doesn't GET more gorgeous than this, I should eat outside. So I walked a couple of blocks to Subway, got a sandwich from the "healthy" menu, no chips, and sat outside in the sun and ate. Really really nice.

That's all. No life lesson, no moral, no allegory. Just - that was really nice.

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