...and now what?

2005-10-23 - 7:42 p.m.


Okay they're gone... for this time anyway. They left this morning. I thought they weren't leaving until Tuesday. Jerkface did tell me Friday night that "they'll be gone Sunday" but I decided not to say, "Really? But I thought they weren't leaving until Tuesday, did plans change?" mostly because he'd just make that loud impatient SIGH sound and say "I don't know." So I decided just to leave my setting at "just make it until Tuesday" and if they left Sunday - then bonus!

And sure enough, they left this morning. Which I know by the fact that I was awakened to the sound of suitcases being loaded back down the stairs and my father-in-law telling the cat she could go back into the guest room. Turns out she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow (my mother-in-law, not the cat) so that's why they left earlier than originally planned.

They didn't say goodbye to me - they never do. Often they do leave before I get up, but they never say the night before, good night, we're leaving in the morning, so goodbye in case we don't see you - that kind of thing. Which is fine with me, but my husband wonders why I say they don't like me either - come on. Exhibit A.

That may be it for this year, or they may be back for one more weekend visit before they leave the country. This is supposed to be it but their plans often change.

When they left, jerkface and I had a short argument. Hey, if he's going to ask "that wasn't so bad this time, was it?" then what does he want? I even did it the way you're supposed to, with one of those things that goes "when you do ________, it makes me feel _______, and that's why I do __________."

He responded by going off on a bizarre tangent so I ended the discussion. The fact that he let me end it means he knew I was right.

Honestly. If you don't want to know what I think, don't ask me. I'll tell you. He ought to know that better than anyone by now. His parents have even learned that. But we're okay. But, he didn't own up to any of it so he probably won't act any differently next time and that annoys me.

Part of it was okay this time. His mom takes a little less time to re-learn the basics each year. The basics are: Speak to me nicely and I'll have a conversation with you. Lecture me as if I'm your two-year-old child, and I'm going to interrupt you, excuse myself and leave the room (I know that offends her and I don't care). Expound to me on how wonderful you are because of your latest adventures based on your racist beliefs, and I'm going to listen, explain to you nicely how extremely I disagree with you - and leave the room (which also offends her and I don't care). Rearrange my house while I'm gone and I'm going to politely point out that I had it the other way because I like it that way - and put it back. Right in front of you (that one goes for his dad too - and me putting it back offends them both - and I don't care).

Ahhhhhhhhh enough. They're gone. I have other things to do now.

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