...and now what?

2005-11-30 - 13:53

is there a patron saint of dentists?

Or I guess I should be looking for the patron saint of dental patients who are cowardly crybabies like me? Or can I please have my own personal patron saint for tomorrow's dental appointment?

Because despite trying to weasel myself out of it twice today, I finally called and said I needed an appointment. I have no one I trust to recommend a dentist to me whose dentist isn't like 40 miles away - and if I were going to go that far, I'd just fly down to South Nowhere where the dentists are good and comforting people - so I picked my new dental practice because they're nearby, they have convenient hours, and the last name of the two main dentists there is the same as my sister's married name. Yeah, all scientific like.

So I called and DAMMIT they have an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm so nervous already. I need drugs. Not for tomorrow, for, like NOW. Well and for tomorrow.


btw if you are reading this, then my first attempt at adding an entry by email worked... I sent this while at lunch. Because yeah, I can EAT right now. Sure.


okay it didn't work. But that's okay because I had a P.S. to add anyway. P.S. thanks, leftunspoken, for the encouragement in the guestbook. See, if I had any sense, *I* would also still have a temporary filling and crown covering a "dentist claims I need root canal" tooth from about four years ago. But nooooooooooo I decided to go get that taken care of because I was afraid the temporary crown would start to break down. I should learn that if it doesn't hurt, leave it alone! I won't go into detail about what happened with THAT one but after several hours and a referral to an endodontist (actually I liked her - wished she could be my regular dentist) and bunches of money, at least I can say I think that one got fixed correctly. I think. And I don't want anyone THINKING about touching that 2 year old broken tooth in the back of my mouth. I think I'm going to judge the new dentist partially on how he or she feels about letting me get away with that. Unfortunately the one that's the problem right now hurts a little. Kind of constantly. Which does not bode well.

When I go in tomorrow, I want to wear a note pinned to my shirt that reads, "No matter how old I look, I'm really four years old, I'm not happy to be here, and I DON'T TRUST YOU." Would that be rude?

I don't know if I'd rather break a bone, but I'd certainly rather get an extra squish-o-gram. Which I also have to do because I just had my yearly girl exam this week also, and she said it's time for another one. At this point that's just an annoyance because I have to take time off work.

If only I can get myself to think of the dental appointment like that I'd be all set...

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