...and now what?

2005-12-01 - 12:08

mostly good news

Well the first good news... I didn't freak out and have a breakdown at the dentist office. One of the more mature personalities must have decided to be in charge today.

Also good news is I tentatively, cautiously think I may be able to stay with this dentist. At least she didn't do anything so far to make me run screaming.

On the other side - I forgot how much I hate the damn explorer. Like, ow. For anyone who doesn't know dental instrument names, that's the pointy thing invented by Satan. Still though... I'd really classify it more as "really unpleasant" than actually "painful." For instance it's not one-tenth the strength of the pain the arthritis in my ankle sometimes gives me. But I'd still rather have a squish-o-gram. Which I haven't scheduled because I have... FIVE... upcoming dental appointments in the next two months.

Two are because my teeth are apparently so grody that I need TWO cleanings. One where they take care of the "big stuff" (ew - you know, I do brush my teeth every day and even floss once in a while - but apparently there's still "big stuff") and then a fine cleaning where apparently they'll do what they do for normal people.

The other three are to take care of cavities. Yes, cavitIES. The one I knew about, and the other FOUR that they found. Or possibly five. I don't remember whether she said I had five total, or five others.

So the first one they're going to take care of? TOMORROW. This is what I get for picking a practice with like seven dentists - lots of availability! The next appointment? MONDAY MORNING. Maybe it's a good thing I get some of this over with before I change my mind.

What I'm glad of though, is that no one is trying to convince me to get crowns, or caps, or do straightening, whitening, bleaching, bonding or veneers. I don't like to feel like my dentist is a salesman first. I really can't argue with fixing cavities.

Well, wait until I see what dental insurance doesn't cover... then perhaps I'll feel like arguing. For now I'm tired, and my teeth are aggravated. But, one down.

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