...and now what?

2006-09-25 - 9:51 p.m.

my first black eye

I have my very first black eye. It's kind of funny, because I've never had one before. I'm strangely entertained by watching bruises develop anyway. Hey, when you're a really clumsy kid who runs into walls and stuff all the time, you have to find some way to make it work for you.

But with all those youthful wall collisions, I never did have a black eye. I got this one when my 2-year-old niece conked her head into my face a couple of days ago. It was quite by accident, and she's fine. So it's okay for it to be funny. I'll take picture of it later so we can all be amused together.

And on to other things that make black eyes and bruises sound fun...

So because my husband asked me to, and I like him, I thanked his parents for the lovely necklace. And he asked me because they'd been asking me why I hadn't thanked them. Not if I liked it - why I hadn't thanked them. Well, could it be partially because I only opened it at like 11:30 pm last night and they were both in bed by then and I didn't see them this morning and I just walked in the door about ten minutes ago from working 11 and a half hours straight today? So was I supposed to run upstairs screaming THANK YOU THANK YOU last night, or was I supposed to call from work today and thank the woman who hangs up on me when she calls to talk to her son and I answer MY phone in MY house? I'm not sure which. You know, when I typed that just now, it came out "I'm not sure witch." I don't know why that would be... but anyway.

So I walked into the living room and started talking to my husband and his dad while his mom pretended to be asleep sitting up. So when his mom pretended to wake, as a favor to my husband I told them thank you for the necklace, it's very nice. They made those "oh it was nothing" motions. His mom says, "so you like it?" I say again "it's very nice." Miss Manners never said I had to lie. So then his dad says "the important thing is that you wear it" and proceeds to give me the exact information I should give people if - no, when - they ask me where I got it. I'm to tell them all about the artist who hand made it and the foundation that supports her and other artists and several political causes. Need I say controversial political causes? No, I didn't think so. You know, sometimes I have been known to buy things from people whose causes I want to support, or people whose careers or businesses I want to support. But when I give those things as gifts, it's because I think the recipient would actually like the actual things. But I don't expect the recipient to then go out and promote the cause or the business themselves. I don't know. Maybe I'm missing some promotional opportunities here.

So I listened to the sermon and finally felt like I could walk away. And you know, if was just a matter of humoring them for a few days, I could do that. I hope someone will humor me when I am old and irritating. But unfortunately I've learned that if I humor these people too much, the next thing I know my furniture and appliances are missing and my walls are splattered with paint.

Not making that up, not even a little.

So then about work. I don't know what provoked it, but yes, my boss is mad at me for doing what he told me I could do that now he's decided he doesn't want me to do. And you know, it's one thing if he said, you know, I've decided I don't like this and I don't want you to do it any more. Or, if he had amnesia and said why did you do this, I never said you could. But no, he totally remembers he said it was okay, he's just now decided it's not okay and "we'll have to talk about it." And he's docked my pay for doing it in the first place.

So now I'm out several hundred dollars and it's going to affect my future work arrangement. And who knows when or if we'll talk about it. When I push it, I guess. And I'm supposed to be going on vacation next week and I'm a little worried he's so annoyed with me that he may say he doesn't want me to go. Now what do I do if he does that? It may not come to that. If you'd asked me a week ago I'd have said he would never do any of this. But now I just have no idea. So what do you do if your boss takes back your vacation time and you already have plans that include your spouse taking time off, and you have plane tickets and all that stuff? Do you go and just not come back to your job? Or do you stay and work and pretend it's okay?

I still just can't believe it. We have a huge project going on right now and I'm hoping it's just driven him a little batty and by the end of the week he'll be back to normal and will have a more reasonable way to resolve things.

So yeah. The black eye is pretty funny.

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