...and now what?

2006-09-26 - 11:11 p.m.

as promised...

the picture...

Isn't it cute? Or something? I know. I'm strange.

Inlaws are leaving in the morning. For this round. They'll probably be back again before they leave for the year.

So I don't know what's up with work. My boss keeps acting like everything is fine. I keep holding on to the fantasy that once this horrible project we're all working on is over he'll say, I can't believe I did that, forget about it, everything is okay.

But right now I just feel so devalued. I always thought he realized what a fantastic job I do, and how far above and beyond I go. I know he knows how much of my own time I spend doing work stuff - weekends, nights, etc. Does he just think that's normal for an employee? Or is he just oblivious to the concept of "my own time"? Grrrrrrr. I'm not arrogant enough to think I'm irreplaceable, but at the moment I feel like he thinks I'm disposable. He sure expects me to continue with the 11 hour days after he slapped me in the face.

Figuratively. It has nothing to do with the black eye.

I just hate it when people don't recognize and acknowledge my natural superiority.

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