...and now what?

2004-01-23 - 10:36 p.m.

Friday's nonsensical musings

Various rambling thoughts and updates...

Eye is still pink. I wish that were the only symptom, and I wouldn't care. I'd just be running around happy as can be and enjoying the freakout factor. But it's itchy and leaky and insidiously convincing half of my nose that it should be stopped up to match its dysfunctional condition. It's better though. I go back to the doctor tomorrow and we'll see what he says. Different doctor actually - I already had an appointment with this guy for a normal eye exam, but couldn't get in to see him Wednesday when I saw the other guy.

And nope, I didn't miss any work for this - I'm not being a hero, I just had no idea. Apparently I'm the only person in the developed world who didn't know that this is the earth's most contagious disease. I showed up for work yesterday and told my boss and her boss that the doctor did say it was conjunctivitis, and they freaked and asked me why I was there; didn't the doctor tell me to stay home? I said wow, um, no - do you want me to leave? And they said well, no, just don't touch us. I never do, so it didn't call for massive behavior modification.

I'll be very happy if this is gone by Monday. I still won't touch anyone though.

Funny how the most comfortable thing I can do for this eye right now is hold up the eyelid and let the eyeball roll way down in the socket and leave the white (well, pink) part exposed to the air. And just hold it like that. It feels great. Do not ask me how I discovered this - it just seemed like the thing to do. Divine inspiration, I guess. Just thought I'd share that. I'm do not accept any responsibility for any eyeball-featuring nightmares any of you may have.

Next item - CWOMMwatch. I spoke to her this week. She apologized again for not bringing up the subject of the money when we saw each other in person, and I told her that I had deliberately NOT brought it up that night because it was supposed to be a fun night and I didn't want to bring unpleasant things into it. So she confirmed the amount with me and said she was so sorry she broke her promise to me to get all the money to me by January 1st. Scuse me, what? Last deadline I remembered was mid-December when you just didn't pay me and I got to figure it out for myself. She has her own little world. But she promised to give me $50 per bi-weekly paycheck until it's paid off. We shall see. She spelled out that that means I'll get $50 from her by February 1st. Stay tuned for details.

Another update - caf chick. I happened to be talking with my boss today about how some people come across really terse in email but in person they're not that way. My boss agreed and said that also, some people are just plain hard to get along with but that some others seem to have a skill for getting through to anyone. For example, she says, there's this woman who works in the caf, and my boss always thought she was just the rudest thing. But then she saw MH, my boss's boss, talking to her one day, and she was just as pleasant to MH as she cold be. I told her I was so glad she said that, because I was sure this one woman in the caf hated me. Sure enough, we were both talking about the infamous "caf chick." My boss said yep, caf chick is definitely hot or cold, but since she saw her with MH one day, she's always been fine. Hmm - maybe next time I go in for coffee I should take a letter of reference. However, it is nice to know that it isn't just me. Now I don't have to hear Puddle of Mudd in my head every time I walk past her (lalalala). Strange - I usually don't let people get away with "that's just how he/she is" as an excuse for rude behavior. But knowing "that's just how she is" and she doesn't have a personal grudge against me makes me feel better.

Unless of course it's just a coincidence that she does this to other people and she really does f'kin hate me. Lalalala.

New topic - a friend of mine was supposed to have had a baby on Tuesday. I haven't heard from her. What is she thinking, taking care of her new baby and not emailing me? I thought she was a better multi-tasker than that. But seriously, it was going to be a C-section, and I would like to know everything is all right. I don't have her home phone though, just her cell phone and her work number for her second job - she puts in some hours working for her parents on weekends. I think I'm going to call her cell later on and see if I can leave a message or something. I would call her parents but I don't know them that well, and as long as there's that one chance in 73,261,489,212 that I might disturb them, I'm not going to. Just my luck I'd call and they'd say, "Baby? What do you mean, BABY? When did THIS happen?"

T G I F.

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