...and now what?

2005-02-20 - 1:31 a.m.

it's not like I don't want to pee, for heaven's sake

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that when your doctor sends you to the lab to give a urine sample, and you just can't pee, everyone is seriously unsympathetic? This is the second time in a few years this has happened, and they're all like, what do you mean you can't pee? Just PEE. You don't have to give us that much. Just PEE.

Yeah, I know how it works, I also know when you can't go, you just can't go. It's not like I'm sitting there hoarding the pee for my own private purposes. I'd LOVE to pee in your little cup so you'd leave me alone. However especially in this particular case when one of the symptoms of what is wrong with me is "severe lack of peeing" - can I please get a little bit of understanding?

I think the doctor even said something to me about how if I couldn't pee they'd have to do "something drastic" and I didn't want that. Well no. But I'm not even sure what that meant. Was that something along the lines of "if you don't give us your pee we're going to go in and get it" or what? I have no idea what that meant. He isn't my usual doctor and has a very strong accent and I have no idea what he meant.

So I sat there and drank glass after glass of water and tried to make some pee. Finally made enough that they could run a test. Did you know that they can run those tests, like RIGHT on the spot if they really want to? Amazing.

So after my pee told whatever story it had to tell, the doctor ordered blood work. Luckily you don't have to try and squeeze out blood for them. They just go in and get that for themselves as the first step.

I just really want to be back to my version of normal. This stuff sucks.

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