...and now what?

2004-01-28 - 5:50 p.m.

Rant Fest part 1

Oh, where to begin? First of all, with the statement that I'm not upset by any of this, and in fact I'm quite amused by a lot of it. I just don't personally like to put LOL's and :) 's in my diary. I don't know why. They just don't seem at home here. If you can't figure out when I'm kidding, then... well I guess you'll just have to not know, and next time I'll have to do a better job.

Or start my entries with disclaimers.

But what a day full of material about which to diarize! Buckle in, ladies and germs!

Which is not to say all men are germs. Can you say ladies and germs any more? Or is it too insulting to the male population and therefore banned? Can I just say that I wasn't referring to men; I was referring to actual germs? Would that absolve the offense? Or am I now in trouble for ignoring the male population? Well, not all women are ladies, either, if you want to get picky about it.

Where was I?

Okay so this morning. I left for work early enough to stop by Dunkin' Donuts. Speaking of Dunkin' Donuts, I have some nail polish that is exactly Dunkin' Donuts pink. I also have a sweater that is exactly Dunkin' Donuts orange. Sometimes I wear them together and just feel all Dunkin' all day long.

But anyway. I went by Dunkin' Donuts and got my usual. Not that anyone there knows it's my usual, but I do, and that's enough. Number 3, medium French Vanilla coffee with cream and four sweet'nlow's (oh be quiet. I like it sweet, okay? I don't actually like the taste of coffee, if you can't tell) and a plain bagel with light cream cheese, sliced but not toasted.

I am NOT high maintenance. That's a very low maintenance order. It's very fast, they just whip the bagel through the little bagel guillotine, they don't have to put the cream cheese on or wait for it to toast. Which they'd actually do in the other order, if they were going to do those things. So I'm being nice by not wanting it toasted (in addition to the fact that I really don't want it toasted - by the time I get to work it's cold - cold toasted bagel? ick), and I specify sliced because if you don't, they ask you. They care about your slicing needs. They always recite the order right back to me even faster than I said it to them, so it must not be that hard. And except for the fact that they sometimes give me regular cream cheese instead of light, they always get it right. And I don't go back and make them change it when they give me the regular. So there.

So I get to work, and I make the bagel in its little paper bag fit inside my pocketbook, because I'm weird about walking into work with food if I didn't bring enough for the whole class. I don't care if they see me eat it - I don't hide under the desk or anything. But something about walking in with the bag gets me very unsettled. I don't know why. I have food issues. There are so many things that don't cause me psychotic reactions. Don't make me get all cured at once.

I don't have a problem carrying in a cup of coffee though. That I know of. Maybe subconsciously I do... which might explain why half the time when I stop on the way to work and get coffee, I forget to bring it in with me. Usually I remember when I'm at the sidewalk or the front door, but today I made it all the way in to my desk and had taken off my jacket and sat down and everything. Then I remembered. I made this little disgusted noise, and my boss asked what was wrong, so I told her I left my coffee out in my car. She was all smiley sympathetic. So she asked if I had parked far away, and I said no - and said I was going out to get it. I started to put my jacket back on and she's like, oh, well if it's so far away you have to put your jacket on to run out there, then I'd forget it.

Huh? It's 15 degrees outside - I'm not stupid enough to "just run out to my car" without my jacket, just to prove that it's a quick run out there and not a big deal. If the distance and time outside between my car and the lobby didn't require a jacket, why would I be wearing one? But I just laughed and put on my jacket and went and got my coffee. It was even still hot.

Well, that'd be one... more later.

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