...and now what?

2005-01-21 - 12:56 a.m.


Two entries in one since the server was down!

Overheard in the office today: "Holy Batman, Robin." Well, um, no, but whatever.

Despite all appearances, 2005 seems to be good to me so far in the area of letting things go and not letting them fester. Which is good, because lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. I had to look that up to remind myself that it's Shakespeare. To me, it's from "Little Darlings." I'm a philistine.

Speaking of letting things go, while on my trip I let go of 5 pounds. That usually comes back, because it's high-on-adrenaline-and-not-interested-in-eating weight loss. But only one pound has come back so far, so I'm hoping to use that as a kick off point to do better this year. I'm tired of carrying all this stuff around.

Although I need to eat better. Yesterday I didn't have lunch because when the time came, I was so bored with the thought of any of my lunch possibilities, I couldn't make myself go choose one. Bad thing is I don't think I ever got up from my chair yesterday from 10am to 5:30pm. Today I set an Outlook appointment reminder saying GET UP! And kept setting it forward an hour every time it came up. Usually I got up too. That's pitiful. But hey, if the computer has the power to keep me in my chair, I might as well channel that power for good and make it tell me to move my ass once in a while.

On the way home I stopped for milk at a convenience store. There was a hand-written sign on the refrigerated case, listing the price for each kind of milk: "1%, 2%, Whole, Skeem." I bought some Skeem milk. It's not bad.

Reminds me of one time I was in New York and saw someone with a food cart, selling "Sheesh Kabob." Sounds like a very exasperated food.

I haven't done favorite spam subject lines in a while. Got this today: "How is everything ampersand?" Why just fine apostrophe. And you?


Are we back yet?

This project I'm on at work is the definitive bastard child project from hell. This is the one I worked on for months on end last year, trying desperately to explain to the idiot in charge that what he was telling me to do made no sense, not to mention contradicted everything he'd already told me to do, which made no sense in a completely separate way.

Well that guy's gone and they put the project up on a really tall shelf and put me on other things.

It's back. That's what I've been working on since October. Remember me saying that I was out of work for a week while the people I'd be working with got their shit together? And then when I came back, their shit was still apart? Well... SSDD.

Which if there are any 80s computer geeks out there, remember when we used to use that acronym as a term for someone who was a complete moron - single sided, double density? Snerk. Anyone even remember the SSDD 5 1/4" floppy disks? Approximately 180K capacity? And you bought that square hole-punch to try and squeeze another 180K out of the wild, untamed second side? In the snow, people, with bare feet, uphill, both ways. And we LIKED it. But I digress.

Why anyone is keeping this project alive is so beyond me. NO ONE wants to use this program. One of the few people to whom I'm allowed to speak who could actually benefit from it is dead set on using the old klugey methods she's currently using. One other actually uses it the way it is and doesn't need any changes. The other one, who's supposedly the team leader, doesn't use the program and doesn't intend to. But wants to be in charge of what it does and how it does it.

Which is why I'm still working in the dark, in circles, begging for a match. Not even a flashlight. A match. Flint, even.

What annoys me is this is also the only project where people seem to be just looking for how they can get a good handhold on me to throw me under the bus. The one in charge is currently blaming the lack of progress this month on the fact that I was out for a week. Which really burns me because she and I discussed before I left how, like the time off in October that they imposed upon me, this would give THEM a chance to catch up with what I've done and decide what to do next. The only way my absence impeded progress is that if I'd been here, I would have been doing the nagging I'm doing now a week earlier.

So today we were supposed to have a meeting. One of the principals couldn't make it, so I told the team leader I'd reschedule for tomorrow. She asked if Monday wouldn't be even better, since that would give ME more time. Well, um, no, because, like, I was ready TODAY. Which I explained in detail. To which she nodded uncomfortably and rambled for a while and finished up her ramble by once again stating that Monday would be good because it would give me more time.

Then a few minutes later she was at my desk saying what about Tuesday... because SHE will be out Monday. Which somehow I'm sure is because she thought if she took a day off, it would give me more time.

Sigh. What fucking ever.

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Recent ramblings:
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