...and now what?

2005-01-26 - 12:26 a.m.

right after this I'm going to bed, really

I was going to fill out a survey I found on someone's livejournal called a "Senior Class Meme." I don't get how it's a meme though unless it's the way it's passed from person to person. But only the questions are - the answers are different for everybody. Maybe I just don't get memes.

Problem is I don't remember any of the answers. Three favorite bands? I think I was over Kiss and not yet into Duran Duran. I don't remember who came in between. Celebrity crush? Don't remember. Best friends? I kinda think I remember, but I lost touch with them all long ago so the memories are kind of fuzzy. "Did you have "The Max" like Zach Kelly and Slater?" Okay, obviously this is for people who graduated high school much more recently than I did. Old and senile, man.

I should be sleeping. I was going to go to bed early since I have a 2nd interview tomorrow, and I as yet don't know what I'm going to wear. I can't decide whether to go with a suit which will be highly impractical and a little ridiculous since it's supposed to be 13 degrees and snowing tomorrow and all my suits are lightweight. I'm thinking of going with a nice sweater and slacks. Because odds are I'll be wearing my boots. Can't even change shoes in the lobby before I go up, because I'm meeting the guy at his office and we're walking down the street to have lunch. And if it's snowing and slushy, you're damn skippy I'm wearing my boots. I'd rather send the message "I have no fashion sense" than "I'm stupid and am willing to catch pneumonia to wear girly shoes."

So even though I hate to dress down, I think I'm going to. I'm going to have to project the attitude from "My Cousin Vinny": I've got a suit. You've seen it.

Oh well. I can't prepare too much for things like this because my brain won't think about it for too long. I'll just have to listen, then open my mouth and see what comes out. Words, that is. Not lunch. Lunch goes in. I know that.

And my wrestlers lost on Amazing Race so I'm sad. I was in love with Bolo.

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