...and now what?

2003-11-30 - 1:04 a.m.

Death by pumpkin log

Happy Thanksgiving, folks. I am currently writing to you from the depths of a food coma. Hopefully when I return to my own house and escape the clutches of the food-related anomalies that surround my parents' house, I will be back to normal. For now I'm just wondering why I consciously have stuffed so much food in my mouth over the past three days that I'm almost unconscious.

I had a nice visit with my parents and my sister. My husband accompanied me on this trip, for the first time in I don't know how many years. I think my parents were more excited to see him than me. He left today - I'm leaving tomorrow. He is a travel wimp and decided he needed a day of rest between air travel and returning to work. He did have a rough time of it though. He had to make two connections, and one layover that was supposed to be 45 minutes was reduced to 18 because of a late arrival. He had to get from terminal E to terminal B to make the change, and I was surprised he made it. When I spoke to him on the phone, I asked him how the trip was, and his only comment was "may they all rot in hell." I'm sure I'll hear more elaboration when I get home, and for now I'm assuming it wasn't pleasant. Anyway, funny how after he left today, my family was all, "I think he had a good time, didn't he? He seemed to have a good time. I hope he'll come back. He seemed a little more relaxed this time, didn't he? He seemed more comfortable, didn't he?" They are so intimidated by him. A lot of people are. I really don't get that. Same for the Viking though. Both of them scare a lot of people. But I look at them both and think, Scary? Not a bit. They don't fool me for a second.

I finished the bad book, skimming more and more toward the end. BAD book. I understand temporary suspension of disbelief and all, but come on. When the heroine begins to feel a bit queasy, and the MAN clues in first as to why? He brings her calendar to her, asks her to flip through the past two months and see if she notices anything. Why, duh, no, and what does my calendar have to do with me being sick in the morning? Finally she notices that if she goes back more than two months, each month has the notation somewhere, MMV - and the past two months do not.

Okay, at this point is there ANYONE out there wondering anything other than how MMV possibly stands for "period?"

First of all, suspension of disbelief to the point of making me accept the possibility of the man in a couple noticing two missed periods before the woman does not exist.

Second - "Mr. Monthly Visitor?" I can't even begin to list everything wrong with that.

The ebay auction was a drag. Someone outbid me on the last day while I wasn't watching, and then someone outbid THEM. So bad news, I don't get to be the owner of the rare item; good news, I'm not the one who paid $42 for it. Yikes!

Just to tie things all together here, ebay was mentioned in that book. I do not believe that anyone would actually buy a "marital aid" (as the book called it) on ebay, and no, I'm not going to go do a search to find out.

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