...and now what?

2003-12-19 - 6:29 p.m.

Just a nice expensive sinus infection

Well gee, here I thought I would be off on a nice weekend trip and then back here to report fun things... however, Sunday night I was hit full force by something that gave me a fever of 103 and put me totally out of commission all day Monday. Haven't been that great ever since, but I think I'm finally climbing out from under a bit.

Wednesday I finally felt well enough to get myself to the doctor. So I go, and the doctor walks into the examining room and asks me, "Do you have the flu?"

I'm sorry, was I supposed to pick up the medical degree on the way over? I thought he already had that. My bad. You know, they say these days you have to participate in your own care and all, but can I get someone who is actually medically qualified to make the diagnosis for me? Oh, and the prescriptions too? Once he did look and listen here and there and determine that I didn't have the flu or pneumonia, he asks, "Do you want an antibiotic?"

Is this something I'm supposed to know? I know I'm sick. I want to feel better. If I knew exactly what would lead me there, I'd just do it. If I'm going to be recommending my own medication, can we fix it so I can just phone it in to the pharmacy myself? At least I'd spell my name right.

So I'm on an antibiotic now and it does appear to be helping. Good job, Dr. Me. And I promise to take every last bit of it so I'm not responsible for developing some new strain of antibiotic-resistant something or other.

It's kept me out of work almost all week. I did go in for a while on Wednesday but with the fever and the congestion, I was just no good to actually do anything, plus people are not too kind when you show up near Christmas and sneeze in their vicinity. I even had one person say to me, "I count on the people around me to get their flu shots so I don't get sick." Gee... sorry to inconvenience you with my misery. One of the main reasons I came in when I did was that I know that same person seriously looks down upon people who take sick time. So... don't call in sick, but don't come in when you are sick. Basically, don't get sick. Sorry about my appalling lack of character and inherent weakness.

Not that I get paid sick time anyway. So it's been an expensive little illness, with missing a week of work. I'm trying not to think about the $200 someone owes me, that I thought I would get last week. At the last minute this person tells me they don't have all of it. I understand. Person neglects to mention that they don't have ANY of it, any time in the foreseeable future - I got to guess that. Whee.

Funny how you never know what the tone of an entry is going to be until you start writing, isn't it? Or is that just me?

I did have a fun weekend - maybe I'll get back to that.

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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