...and now what?

2004-01-06 - 9:26 p.m.

Well... be that way

Okay, what is WITH the cafeteria lady who hates my guts? I don't know what I did to this chick, but she has a death grip on that grudge. I don't have an "I know what you did last summer" thing in my past. I didn't ever run over anyone who might coincidentally happen to be her cousin's husband's next-door neighbor's babysitter's friend's brother... to whom she was greatly emotionally attached (I've never run over anyone - let's make that clear). But I swear, you'd think I had. I walked in there this morning to get coffee, and when she caught sight of my face, she looked like all the milk in the world suddenly went sour. My face might be inclined to take that personally, but plenty of people see me every day and don't gag violently and run away. Some of them even come up to me voluntarily and talk to me, and some of them even HUG me. She ought to be able to hold it together.

Seriously, what was my sin? The only thing I can think of is that when I first started working here, I didn't put the lid on my coffee tightly one morning, and I spilled a little when I went to leave the register. Honestly, it was a *little*. Not even 1/4 of the cup. And not, like, ON her or anything. And I even was going to clean it up. Maybe that's the problem - my willingness to waste paper napkins with wild abandon, cleaning spilled coffee off the floor. Not that I *did* that - I just used ONE napkin to wipe off what I spilled on the counter, and before I could turn around, she had a mop for the floor. But if that's it, then as my old boss used to say, jeezum crow, put it behind ya! If it's something else, TELL me what, and I'll stop doing it - probably. As long as it's not just the fact of my existence. I'm not stopping that for a caf chick.

Oh by the way, I don't call her the caf chick to her face, or to anyone else but you nice folks, so that can't be it.

I would just say she's a disagreeable, unfriendly person, but she's nice to other people, smiles, SPEAKS to them - all that polite society stuff. It's almost comical to see the change in her when I'm in line - pleasant, happy, smiley, OHit'sHER, pull in my lips and make a tight disapproving face and try and get through giving this horrible person her change. ThankGodShe'sGone - pleasant, happy, smiley.

I don't have body piercings or dress like Beyonce (not that there's anything wrong with either if you can make it work - but I have a feeling she'd disapprove). I've never sworn at her or made a lewd proposition. I've never even asked her to make change when I buy coffee, for heaven's sake (I've observed her get annoyed with other people over that). Perhaps she looks down upon me because I am low-class enough to eat in the caf...

Oh well. I'll just continue to be nice and pleasant, and say hello, and thank you, and all those things that go with modern manners. And she can keep pulling in her lips all she wants. The only reason I really care about the whole thing is just the curiosity factor. That and the fact that it's kind of weird to know there's someone out there who doesn't like you, and you don't know why.

By the way, someone talk me into emailing the chick who owes me money and reminding her she owes me money. She's been sick lately so I felt guilty reminding her. I know she doesn't have the money and I'm guessing I'm never getting it back. But I just want her to know it's not okay. And I want her to understand why I'm going to say no if she ever asks me for another loan. Favors are going to be hard too. And why do I feel so guilty about that?

Perhaps this is why the caf chick hates me. She can see my inner weenie bitchness.

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