...and now what?

2005-01-04 - 6:37 p.m.

is it a little gear that can't smell?

So I'm sure you've all been reading about the radical phenomenon that is us, yes? "Blogs?" Perhaps we the Diarylanders aren't so much bloggers as those in, I don't know, is there a BlogLand? There probably is. Most of the articles I'm reading on the subject this week seem to think they're talking about people sitting out here writing their commentary on daily events. Or wait, what was that phrase we used to use in Social Studies? Current Events. That was it. Anyway, I don' t know if it's because we're in "diaryland" that most of the "blogs" I read have more to do with the writers' personal lives than Current Events, but I see the same on most other "blog" sites too. I have No Idea why I am using so many Capital Letters and "quotes" in this entry.

But as the Fool says: "[A]s blogs have started slowly creeping into our consciousness (and browser bookmarks), some have also gained clout as a serious source of information, concepts, or ideas. [...] [W]hile there are plenty of silly blogs out there, there are also some that contain intellectual discourse or information (and sometimes even breaking news)."

Don't be looking for none of that breaking news stuff here, or even any information. And you take your intellectual discourse outside! Nope, I'm all about the rodents and rock chicks and whining about inlaws and other people who bruise my tender feelings.

The Rodent and the Rock Chick. Damn. That needs to be the title of my autobiography. Especially since in high school, my best friend and I decided there needed to be a special word for guitar players ("guitarist" apparently not doing its job) and responded to the need with the word Roedent. Note the spelling. It had nothing to do with any mammals of the order Rodentia. I think there was some reasoning behind it, but I've forgotten it. I'm sorry Cyndi. And Vicky. And Donna.

But anyway (which will be the parenthetical subtitle of my autobiography). Blogorama, yes, I remember.

I love these two paragraphs from PC World.

"Blog readership jumped 58 percent between February and November, and comprised 32 million U.S. citizens in 2004. More than 8 million U.S. citizens have created a Web-based diary, and one in 10, or around 14 million U.S. Internet users, has contributed thoughts or comments to a blog."


"Despite gains in popularity, blogs are still the domain of Internet cognoscenti. More than 62 percent of those surveyed said they do not know what a blog is, Pew says in a statement."

Betcha more people could define "blog" than "cognoscenti."

my mood - The current mood of andnowwhat at www.imood.com

the mood of the whole world wide bleepin' web - The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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