...and now what?

2005-01-05 - 10:56 p.m.

brilliant first impression

Okay, so old news that my job is the world's longest temp job.

I've been watching job listings since, like, October 2003. Not nearly as extensively as I would have been had I not had a job, you understand, but looking in case something worth leaving this semi-interminable but okay-paying temp job popped up.

Well, yesterday something did. I updated my resume' while I mulled over the job listing for a day, not sure what I really thought about it, but finally going back to the old "Hey, it doesn't hurt to apply, if you happen to get an offer you can always turn it down if you want." So okay.

So I went through all the painstaking things you have to go through to make sure your resume' doesn't look like total crap once it gets through Monster.com's wringer. I'd so rather just email it to the company, but when they say their preferred method of getting resume's is going through Monster, probably a good idea to start out by following directions.

Part of the job is proofreading and editing. Both of which I've done. And I have excellent language skills when I want to. So I wrote about my mad spelling and grammar skillz in the cover letter and also bragged on my editing and proofing experience.

And you know, I looked at that and thought, well, there's a gloves-in-your-face challenge if ever there was one. Do I really want to tempt fate like that? But you know - I do have that experience and those skills, and of course it goes without saying that I'm, like, REALLY good. At, like, everything.

So I proofread the thing to death, and sent it out.

Then I did the bad thing. I read over the letter one more time.

I typoed my EMAIL ADDRESS. It's correct on the resume' and Monster has the correct address, so maybe they'll just either click the link from Monster, or print out the resume' and go from there, and possibly never even notice that there are TWO DAMN @ SIGNS in my email address. EUGH.

At least I typoed an address that will bounce if someone is dumb enough to actually try to send an email to it, so some other chick won't get my interview from this.


Look, I know how to spell that.

And what am I doing awake when I have a 5:30 plane to catch in the morning?????

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